Downloads are resumable (if your program supports it).
Click on below to download a file.
WinCOM / MacCOM |
Offline mail reader for Windows and Macintosh.
WinCOM 54W for Windows (WinCOM54W.exe, 499K) |
Fonts for WinCOM that work with Windows Vista (included in the above file) |
Old fonts for WinCOM (for running WinCOM with CrossOver under Linux) |
MacCOM 54X (64-bit) for MacOS 10.9 or later with Intel Processor
(MacCOM54X-Intel.zip, 553K) |
MacCOM 54X (64-bit) for MacOS 10.9 or later with Apple Processor
(MacCOM54X-Apple.zip, 519K) |
Installing WinCOM:
Open (run) the downloaded file. It will then guide you through the installation.
Installing MacCOM:
If your web browser has not yet uncompressed the downloaded file, double-click on it to uncompress it.
Right-click on UnquarantineApp, choose "Open" and then click "Open".
If MacOS refuses to open UnquarantineApp, go to "System Settings" -> "Privacy & Security", scroll down until you see "UnquarantineApp"
and click "Open Anyway".
If MacCOM is not yet installed, in your home folder create the folder "COM". Then move the MacCOM application to this folder.
If MacCOM is already installed, move the new MacCOM application to the folder that contains the old MacCOM application, replacing it.
Upgrading an older version:
Downloading the full package will upgrade your WinCOM or MacCOM (whichever version number) without loss of any data or settings.
Simply install the new WinCOM in the same folder as your current WinCOM/MacCOM and it will upgrade itself.
Old help file for WinCOM |
It works with the latest WinCOM version but it has not been updated since WinCOM 34.
(To install it, unzip it to the WinCOM folder).
NodeInfo.ini (right-click on to download it) |
This file is included in WinCOM/MacCOM.
Commands.dat version 10 for WinCOM/MacCOM |
To install it, double-click on the downloaded file and move the Commands.dat
file to the WinCOM/MacCOM folder replacing the old one.
Spelling checker for WinCOM 41 and newer |
A nice spelling checker for WinCOM (not available for Mac). To install, download the engine installation program
and one (or more) of the dictionaries into a temporary folder, and install them in your present WinCOM (root) folder.
After writing a WinCOM text, simply press Alt-K to spell-check it (or click the WinCOM
icon in the top left corner and select "Check Spelling" from the menu).
Engine for Windows (287 K)
(includes American English dictionary)
Additional dictionaries (optional):
British English |
(100'000 words, 195 K) |
Brazilian Portuguese |
(119'000 words, 114 K) |
Danish |
(102'000 words, 152 K) |
Dutch |
(178'000 words, 330 K) |
Finnish |
(251'000 words, 599 K) |
French |
(137'000 words, 135 K) |
German |
(295'000 words, 385 K) |
Italian |
(283'000 words, 311 K) |
Norwegian |
( 95'000 words, 209 K) |
Portuguese |
(135'000 words, 188 K) |
Spanish |
(288'000 words, 277 K) |
Swedish |
(110'000 words, 134 K) |
You can select which dictionary to use from the WinCOM menu:
Options > Spell Checker > Options.